Princesses Summer #Vacay Party

  1. Princesses Summer #Vacay Party Title: Princesses Summer #Vacay Party

  2. Description: Your favorite princesses are finally going on a vacation. Let's #makeitawesome! Get them ready for a yacht party, choose for each girl a cool swimsuit, and complete the look with an amazing makeup. Have fun!

  3. Thumbnails:

    250x250 (1/1)

    180x135 (4/3)

    400x300 (4/3)

  4. Tags: dress up, makeup, princesses, summer, vacay, sun, sunshine, trip, get away, princess, event, summer, party, bff, bffs, casual, lovely, fashion

  5. Embed URL: //

  6. Desktop embed code [800x600]:
    <iframe src="//" scrolling="no" style="width:800px; height:600px; border:0; overflow:hidden;"></iframe>

  7. Mobile embed code [fullscreen]:
    <iframe src="//" scrolling="no" style="border:0; height:1px; min-height:100%; width:1px; min-width:100%;"></iframe>